Thursday, March 21, 2013

Glitzing up Easter!

So next weekend three of my four sisters are coming to visit for Easter weekend.  We have plans to travel south to Charleston, SC for a day and hoping to stick our toes in the sand.  In preparation for their visit I started putting together little Easter baskets for them.  I wanted to add a little touch of family tradition and something that my mother always put in our Easter baskets each year were hollowed out Eggs with dollar bills inside.  She would usually poke a hole in the bottom of an egg and shake out the yokes.  For decoration she would dip colored tissue paper in glue and then wrap this around the eggs.  After evaluating what I had in my craft draw I decided I wanted a glitzier  version of my mother's eggs.  I took some pictures as I tried this craft out and I think they turned out great!  It was a really inexpensive neat way to jazz up the Easter baskets.

Supplies Needed:
Mod Podge Glue
Paper Plates
Nail Polish bottle (Used this to stand up wobbly eggs when they are drying)

I poked a fairly large whole so I could fit some folded up money inside

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